Diabetes is a medical condition that has become more common throughout the world. There are so many more people being diagnosed with diabetes every single day. No matter if you simply suspect you may be diabetic, have just received word that you have the disease or have been managing the illness for some time, there are tips in this piece that can help you adjust your life in such a way as to prevent diabetes from worsening.
There is an abundance of protein-rich foods such as tofu, eggs, dairy products and beans. Try shaking up your routine so your taste buds do not die of boredom.
To help make your diabetes control efforts less of a hassle, get organized and keep a constant testing routine. For instance, choose a spot to keep your insulin and meter, and make sure you put them there each and every night, so you know right where they are when you need them in the morning. When you are testing your blood sugar, write down all your levels in a log.
You can reduce your chance of developing diabetes by ensuring you eat a high-fiber diet. The consumption of whole grain foods reduces the consumption of the more high glycemic foods, such as white bread, and this can lower your diabetes risk. There are many studies that show that people who eat whole grains, and low-GI foods in general, get diabetes less often than those who don’t.
If you get hypoglycemia, it’s absolutely crucial you have gum or some type of sugary food always available to you. Hypoglycemia attacks can happen at any time, so you need to be prepared for that. This is particularly true when you have avoided breakfast; your body craves sugar after having no food all night.
Even if you have diabetes, if you are a snacker it can be difficult to resist the pick-me-ups you know are sitting on the kitchen counter, or in vending machines. Try to stay away from these bad snacks and eat some fruits and veggies that have complex carbohydrates instead.
Blood Sugar
Do not be surprised if your blood sugar levels spike after treating a low glucose situation. There are two things that can cause this, your body floods itself with hormones in response to low blood sugar and you might be overcompensating in your caloric consumption. Try lowering the amount of food or drink by half and give your levels a check at 30 minutes.
This is linked with an increased risk that your child will be born with diabetes or develop the condition over time. Don’t let your child suffer the brunt of your bad choices. Be responsible while you are pregnant.
Smoking can have multiple disadvantages, but even more so for those inflicted with diabetes. Partaking in this vice will open the door to seriously negative health consequences. When you smoke it makes your insulin resistant and if you are not already diabetic, it will increase your risk for developing type 2 diabetes.
Don’t solely rely on urine ketone testing for measuring blood sugar. This urine ketone test has its limits. It can only indicate whether the glucose level in the blood is 200 milligrams or higher in the blood. Instead of this method, it is recommended by the ADA to use testing strips and finger pricks, which are more accurate.
Egg Whites
Egg whites make a great breakfast if you have diabetes. Egg whites have the protein you need to get started each day, and they are also low in fat and calories. Use egg whites just as you would a whole egg. Whether scrambled or made into a mushroom and ham omelet, they will give you a good start to your day.
If you have diabetes and you plan on traveling, you should remember to take along your insulin in an insulated bag. Insulin should be protected from extreme temperatures. An insulated bag is your best bet for keeping it at the right temperature.
Though it is not commonly known, sleep apnea can be a serious health disadvantage that is associated with those suffering from diabetes. Sleep apnea means that you stop breathing for brief periods of time while sleeping. If you are feeling exhausted half way through the day, get tested for sleep apnea.
Good carbohydrates are a great choice for a diabetic’s diet. Diets that encourage low carbohydrates may not be the best for those with diabetes, because they strip the body of vitamins, fiber and minerals. Making sure you get enough carbs in your diet also ensures that you have enough energy.
Those who have been diagnosed with diabetes must take in all the information there is about their condition. Gaining knowledge on the subject can help people better take care of their health. Knowledge is certainly power, and people with diabetes have a responsibility to themselves to understand exactly what is involved in taking the best care of themselves.
A diagnosis of diabetes does not have to mean the end of the world. Apply these tips to your life to manage your condition and come out on top in your battle against diabetes.